Avoid Decision Paralysis on Mobile Devices- Effective Church Communication Tip

When it comes to effective church communication, this church does a great job appealing to new visitors on a mobile device.

Case Study Summary:

Best Practice Embraced: Appealing to new visitors on a mobile device
Church: Church of the Highlands (Alabama, USA)
Church Growth Hindrance Avoided: Decision Paralysis
Takeaway: Keep it Simple

Keep it Simple:

Church of the Highlands, based in Alabama with many campuses, is no stranger to new visitors, and I can see why.  One of the factors that hinder church growth is over-complicating or over-communicating. Too many choices lead to decision paralysis. Read more about this phenomenon here.

Keep it Relevant:

Church of the Highlands takes multiple campuses and multiple entry points and makes learning more on a mobile device simple for a new visitor. They boil down what could be extremely convoluted and make it effective church communication. Here’s how:

If I was looking for a church in Alabama and found their website, while on my phone, I would immediately see their latest teaching video as well as an invite to learn more on a clear button that says “New to Highlands”? (see the screenshot). 

Keep it Streamlined:

mobile device screenshot- effective church communication

Clicking “New to Highlands” takes me to the “about” page, which has everything I would want to know if I was just exploring.  I can see the purpose statement, ways to dive deeper, about the lead pastor, and a “looking for more” section at the bottom.  This is a streamlined and very simple process for me to find what is relevant to me as a new visitor.  And more importantly, it is not an offering of every way for me to plug in, but a select 2-3 items where most people have questions.  If I want to dive even deeper into small groups ministry for example, I can find those places easily.

So, good job Church of the Highlands for modeling a simple way to streamline the learning process for visitors on a mobile device and avoiding this hindrance to church growth.

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